Monthly Archives: November 2017

#Bar2017 #wrapup

The November Bar Examinations officially ended today. Now it’s “waiting game” to most of examinees until the posting of results. But before that, let me extend my thanks to everyone.

FIRST and foremost, to GOD. It is undisputed that we owe everything to Him who gave us the blessings of life and health everyday. Indeed, without God I AM NOTHING;

SECOND, to my lovely wife: I still recall how you OBJECTED to this choice I made and how hesitant you were to allow me to be incarcerated in this “prison of law”. But after having seen how decided I was then, you yielded. Thank you for your immeasurable support for the past 5 years. I know that no matter how I tried to be as casual as I can be in law school, I still missed most of our children’s milestones and family gatherings. AS I TOLD YOU BEFORE (in the tone of Dean Sundiang), I promise to spend more time with you, and the kids, after the Bar – and you know that I already began fulfilling that promise;

THIRD, to our parents: It may not be manifest but you were always there in silence, in spirit, and in prayers. Under the Rules of Court, your acts, declarations, or omissions are ADMISSIBLE in evidence and may be considered as implied admissions of your invaluable support. I know how proud you were when I started law school, and I hope I can return the favor and meet your expectations more after the release of the results;

FOURTH, to the Arellano University School of Law: I owe everyone in law school, from the highest of the Board to the humblest of utility workers. I cannot enumerate all the support I received from each of you because it is INCAPABLE OF PECUNIARY ESTIMATION. Also, I would not have developed the kind of discipline I had today were it not for our professors on the quality of legal knowledge, training, expertise, and shall I say indoctrination that now composed the anatomical structure of the lawyer I am fast becoming;

FIFTH, to the student organizations Arellano Law Academic Society, Bar Operations Commissions together with the Hotel Ops and Marshalls, Arellano Law Gazette, and Arellano Law Forensic Guild to which I was part: Thank you for abusing your physical, mental, and emotional limits in ensuring your presence will encourage everyone to finish the Bar Examinations strong;

SIXTH, to my classmates, batchmates, and schoolmates: now Attorneys or otherwise. Thank you for believing in the spirit of camaredrie. I cherish the memories we had together in those school years of both hardship and success. As to our fellow Bar Examinees, thank you for your INDISPENSABLE COOPERATION in making the Bar Examinations a success in its own right and found in the place where it should be found, UNBLEMISHED BY ANY ALTERATION OR CIRCUMSTANCES OF SUSPICION;

SEVENTH, to our fellow government officials and employees: who showed the simplest yet sincerest support in a common hope that change happens for the better, and that JUSTICE and fairness would always prevail. Thank you for believing that I can be an instrument of that change through this noble profession;

EIGHT, to the social media: which was to me never a distraction but an opportunity to keep abreast with what is happening around. Various social media groups became the channel of communicating Bar materials that reinforced one’s confidence, either by reading them or by simply knowing to have them in their “boxes”. The social media remained as an outlet of FREE SPEECH;

NINTH, to the Supreme Court (SC): including the Bar Examination Chair, Examiners, and their staff, in successfully returning back the glorious days of taking the Bar Examinations before Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) were introduced. #Bar2017 reverted to the basics and more fundamental questions to test the examinees’ preparation and reasoning #werpa. The “tips” were helpful but practically insufficient (if not useless, and that is the idea so that the integrity of the examination is preserved). Again, one must really study the entire syllabi including its coverage and rely on their “arsenals” accumulated during law school days. LEGAL FORMS are definitely back, and I fully agree that a Bar candidate must at least be able to draft basic legal forms in the course of the examinations. In sum, the questions were fair and reasonable (no need for extensions of time), and the security in the Bar site was as tight as sealing the doors of SC while the questionnaires were being collated. Thank you for this one of a kind experience; and,

Finally, TENTH, to all other persons and entities unmentioned: to whom I made acquaintance with, and never have forgotten to send their simplest cheer and/or good luck in prayer and/or social media, and to the men and women who made the legal profession more profound and exhilirating especially during the Bar season. I will #neverforget being part in the making of this community of advocates.

I purposely did not attempt to mention the individuals with PARTICULARITY because I fear that I may miss one and be piqued by that omission. If you are reading this, you know who you are, and I am talking to you – Thank You!

No other profession comes close to the kind of extravagance and exoticism in preparation for, during, and after the Bar Examination season. Despite the uncertainties, the law profession undoubtedly remains as (one of if not) the most prestigious and most influential profession in this country. Yet, the Bar Examination is only one of the steps in becoming a full fledged lawyer.

Meanwhile, the battle may have ended but the flags will still have to raised. Until then…

Returning all the glory to God.


God bless everyone!

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Posted by on November 26, 2017 in Personal